
Showing posts from June, 2018

Steve"s ALS Restaurant Review #15

THE MERIDIAN Decades ago there was a small, family owned restaurant on North Meridian Street in Indianapolis.   Dodds Townhouse was a popular eating spot, especially nice for dinner before Starlight Musicals.   It was family friendly, and made certain to hire neighborhood teenagers (mine included) to hostess and bus. Time passed, and as these things go, the owners grew weary and ultimately Dodds was no more.   New owners took over, spruced up the aging house that the restaurant called home, changed the menu, and the name.   Thus was born The Meridian. We tried it a couple of times early in its existence and for reasons that I cannot now remember just didn’t care for it.   But, we were recently looking for someplace different to celebrate our anniversary and decided to give The Meridian another chance.     We arrived wearing socks and shoes.   We left with just the shoes—because the restaurant blew our socks right off.   We had chang...

Steve's ALS Restaurant Review #14

EL TORO MEXICAN RESTAURANT This past Sunday we ventured to Brownsburg to meet with a group of high school friends with whom we eat fairly regularly.   It’s fun to stay connected and we try to eat in a variety of places.   This time we visited El Toro Mexican restaurant.   It is located on Highway 136 in a strip center that features, among other entities, a closed Marsh grocery and a thrift store. The handicap parking spaces were located some distance from the restaurant, and we gained access to the sidewalk via the handicap ramp in front of the thrift store.   We walked, and chaired, down the covered sidewalk (did I mention it was raining really hard?) until we were forced back into the street because the restaurant had put outdoor dining on the sidewalk thus blocking our path. So, back into the street we went.   The ramp in front of the restaurant was very narrow.   Take your time getting up.   It would not be difficult to run off the side. ...